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Unclutter Your Life in One Week

Unclutter Your Life in One Week

by Erin Rooney Doland 2010 256 pages
1k+ ratings
Self Help

Key Takeaways

1. Declutter your life for a remarkable existence

Simplicity is revolutionary.

Define your priorities. Start by creating a list of what truly matters in your life. This list will serve as your motivation for decluttering and organizing. Focus on categories such as family, friends, hobbies, personal time, good health, career, and spirituality.

Embrace work-life symbiosis. Rather than striving for an unattainable "work-life balance," aim for work-life symbiosis where all aspects of your life exist together harmoniously. This concept forms the basis for organizing your life and creating a more fulfilling existence.

Adopt smart consumerism. Be mindful of your purchases and possessions. Ask yourself key questions before buying or keeping items:

  • Do I have something else that fulfills the same purpose?
  • Will this item make my life easier/save me time/save me money/fulfill an essential need?
  • Does this item help me develop the remarkable life I want to live?

2. Create a functional and inviting home entrance

Home is where you nurture and care for yourself so that you can face all the things life throws in your direction.

Establish a Reception Station. Create a designated area near your home's entrance to serve as a landing pad for incoming and outgoing items. This space should include:

  • Hooks for coats and jackets
  • A place to sit and remove shoes
  • Storage for shoes, hats, gloves, and scarves
  • A system for sorting mail and shredding junk
  • A spot for keys, phones, and other daily essentials

Implement a coming home routine. Develop a habit of processing items as soon as you enter your home:

  • Hang up coats and store shoes in their designated spots
  • Sort mail immediately, shredding junk and filing important documents
  • Empty pockets and bags of clutter
  • Charge electronic devices
  • Prepare items needed for the next day

3. Organize your workspace for peak productivity

A clean, organized, well-decorated office can communicate positive opinions about your work and personality.

Clear the clutter. Remove all items from your desk and office space, cleaning thoroughly. Only return items that are essential for your daily work. Group similar items together and use drawer dividers to keep everything organized.

Optimize your desk layout. Arrange your workspace for maximum efficiency:

  • Position your computer, keyboard, and mouse within easy reach
  • Keep frequently used items within arm's length
  • Store less-used items in drawers or cabinets
  • Use a second monitor to boost productivity
  • Ensure proper lighting and ergonomics

Manage cables and cords. Use cable management solutions to keep wires tidy and out of sight:

  • Label both ends of all cords for easy identification
  • Use cable clips, ties, or tubes to bundle and route cords
  • Consider retractable cords for frequently moved devices

4. Streamline your wardrobe and morning routine

Opening your closet should be a pleasurable experience.

Declutter your wardrobe. Sort through your clothes, keeping only items that:

  • Fit well and complement your body shape
  • Represent your current style and desired image
  • Can be worn with at least two other items in your wardrobe
  • Are in good condition and don't need repairs
  • You enjoy wearing and have occasions to wear

Organize your closet efficiently. Arrange your clothes based on your information processing style (visual, auditory, or kinesthetic):

  • Use a clustering system that works for you (by type, color, situation, or season)
  • Implement appropriate storage solutions (hooks, shelves, drawers)
  • Keep frequently worn items easily accessible

Establish a morning routine. Create a smooth start to your day:

  • Prepare the night before by laying out clothes and packing bags
  • Wake up with enough time to complete your routine without rushing
  • Follow a consistent order of tasks (shower, dress, eat breakfast, etc.)
  • Build in buffer time for unexpected delays or "Child-Inspired Disruptions"

5. Implement effective filing and paper management

There are only two reasons to retain papers and files: To Cover Your Ass (CYA) and To Extend Your Knowledge and the Knowledge of Others.

Create a Personal Data Collection (PDC). Establish a system for organizing and storing important documents:

  • Determine what to keep based on CYA and Extended Knowledge criteria
  • Develop a consistent naming convention and folder structure
  • Use a combination of physical and digital storage methods

Digitize and organize documents. Scan paper documents when possible to reduce physical clutter:

  • Use OCR software for searchable digital files
  • Create a logical folder structure on your computer
  • Implement a consistent file naming system (e.g., date-author-topic.file)

Maintain your filing system. Regularly review and update your PDC:

  • Process new documents promptly, filing or discarding as appropriate
  • Set aside time monthly to review and organize files
  • Purge outdated or unnecessary documents annually

6. Establish efficient household routines and chores

If you spend just thirty minutes an evening doing chores efficiently, your weekends will be mostly free for relaxing and doing whatever you want.

Create a weekly cleaning schedule. Assign specific tasks to each day of the week:

  • Monday: Kitchen and dining room
  • Tuesday: Bathroom(s)
  • Wednesday: Bedroom(s)
  • Thursday: Living and family rooms
  • Friday: Other spaces (garage, entryway, hallways)

Implement daily routines. Establish habits to maintain order:

  • Morning routine: Make bed, quick tidy-up
  • After-work routine: Process mail, put away items
  • Before-bed routine: 10-minute house pickup, prepare for next day

Optimize laundry management. Develop a system to stay on top of laundry:

  • Do laundry on set days each week (e.g., Monday and Thursday)
  • Sort clothes as you remove them
  • Fold and put away clean laundry immediately

7. Optimize your kitchen for stress-free meal preparation

When the kitchen and dining room function like a well-oiled machine, however, you have less stress, eat well, and enjoy sharing a meal at home.

Organize your kitchen efficiently. Arrange items based on frequency of use and function:

  • Store frequently used items at easy-to-reach heights
  • Group similar items together (e.g., baking supplies, spices)
  • Use drawer dividers and organizers to maximize space

Implement a meal planning system. Reduce mealtime stress:

  • Plan meals for the week in advance
  • Create a grocery list based on your meal plan
  • Prep ingredients ahead of time when possible

Maintain kitchen organization. Establish habits to keep your kitchen clutter-free:

  • Clean as you cook to minimize post-meal cleanup
  • Regularly purge expired foods from pantry and refrigerator
  • Limit unitaskers and rarely used appliances

8. Master time management and scheduling techniques

Keeping a calendar is beneficial not just to you but also to the people who depend on you.

Choose an appropriate scheduling tool. Select a system that fits your information processing style:

  • Digital calendars (e.g., Google Calendar) for easy sharing and notifications
  • Paper planners for tactile engagement and portability
  • Large wall calendars for visual family scheduling

Implement effective scheduling habits. Maximize the usefulness of your calendar:

  • Enter appointments and commitments immediately
  • Review your schedule daily and weekly
  • Set reminders for important events and deadlines

Manage recurring events efficiently. Develop systems for handling regular occurrences:

  • Use a birthday card file system to stay organized
  • Set up automatic bill payments and reminders
  • Schedule regular maintenance tasks (e.g., car service, medical check-ups)

9. Enhance communication and meeting effectiveness

There are only four times when a meeting is appropriate: Shareholders' and/or Board of Directors' Meetings, Untethered Brainstorming Meetings, Off-Site Strategy Meetings, and Stand-Up, Information Distribution Meetings.

Improve meeting productivity. Follow best practices for efficient meetings:

  • Determine if a meeting is truly necessary
  • Create and distribute a clear agenda in advance
  • Limit attendees to those essential for the discussion
  • Start and end on time, respecting everyone's schedule

Optimize email communication. Implement strategies to manage email effectively:

  • Check email at set times rather than constantly
  • Use clear subject lines and concise messages
  • Implement a system for processing and organizing emails

Enhance presentation skills. Deliver engaging and informative presentations:

  • Define a clear goal for your presentation
  • Use visual aids to support, not replace, your message
  • Practice and time your presentation in advance

10. Boost productivity through focused work habits

To improve your focus and productivity at work is not all puppies and rainbows. Around the second week you will hit a wall of mental exhaustion.

Identify your productivity patterns. Track your work habits to understand your natural rhythms:

  • Use tools like RescueTime or a manual log to monitor your activities
  • Analyze data to identify peak productivity times and energy lulls

Optimize your work schedule. Align tasks with your energy levels:

  • Tackle high-priority, complex tasks during peak productivity times
  • Schedule routine or low-concentration tasks for lower energy periods
  • Use breaks strategically to recharge and refocus

Implement productivity techniques. Try various methods to boost focus and efficiency:

  • Pomodoro Technique: Work in 25-minute focused bursts
  • Time-blocking: Schedule specific tasks for set time periods
  • Task batching: Group similar tasks together for efficiency

11. Design a harmonious home office environment

People don't work from home; they live in their offices.

Create a dedicated workspace. Establish a separate area for work:

  • Choose a quiet location away from household distractions
  • Invest in ergonomic furniture and proper lighting
  • Equip your office with necessary technology and supplies

Set boundaries between work and personal life. Implement strategies to maintain work-life symbiosis:

  • Establish strict office hours
  • Use a do-not-disturb system for your phone
  • Create end-of-day routines to transition out of work mode

Maximize home office benefits. Take advantage of working from home:

  • Prepare healthy meals in your kitchen
  • Take short breaks for household tasks or exercise
  • Customize your environment for optimal comfort and productivity

12. Maintain an uncluttered lifestyle for lasting benefits

Once a month you will want to take a few minutes to look over your wardrobe and complete any necessary maintenance.

Conduct regular maintenance. Schedule periodic reviews of your organizational systems:

  • Monthly wardrobe check to assess clothing needs and purge unused items
  • Quarterly review of filing systems and digital storage
  • Seasonal deep cleaning and decluttering sessions

Adapt systems as needed. Be flexible and willing to modify your organizational approach:

  • Reassess your needs as life circumstances change
  • Try new tools or methods if current systems become ineffective
  • Seek inspiration from organizing books, blogs, or podcasts

Celebrate your progress. Acknowledge the positive changes in your life:

  • Reflect on how decluttering has improved your daily routines
  • Share your successes with friends and family
  • Use your newly organized spaces to pursue activities you enjoy

Last updated:

Review Summary

3.51 out of 5
Average of 1k+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

Unclutter Your Life in One Week received mixed reviews. Many readers found the one-week timeline unrealistic and the advice geared towards office workers. Some appreciated the practical tips and checklists, while others felt overwhelmed. Positive aspects included motivation for decluttering and organizing. Criticisms focused on the assumption of ample time and resources, lack of consideration for different lifestyles, and oversimplification of complex issues. Overall, readers found some useful ideas but questioned the book's premise and applicability to diverse situations.

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About the Author

Erin Rooney Doland is an author and editor-in-chief of Unclutterer.com. She has written two books on decluttering and organization: "Never Too Busy to Cure Clutter" and "Unclutter Your Life in One Week." Doland also contributes to Real Simple magazine as an advice columnist. She is an avid reader, completing nearly 400 books in 2015, primarily using digital formats. Doland prefers e-books and utilizes library services, digital purchases, and Kindle Unlimited. She also writes fiction under gender-ambiguous pseudonyms. Her non-fiction reading tends to focus on reference books, particularly cookbooks, which she prefers in physical format.

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