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The Success Principles(TM) - 10th Anniversary Edition

The Success Principles(TM) - 10th Anniversary Edition

How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be
by Jack Canfield 2015 813 pages
34k+ ratings
Self Help
Personal Development
11 minutes

Key Takeaways

1. Take 100% Responsibility for Your Life

You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself.

You create your life. Taking full responsibility means acknowledging that you are the primary creative force in your life. This mindset shift empowers you to respond proactively to events rather than react passively. It involves recognizing that your thoughts, actions, and responses shape your experiences and outcomes.

The E+R=O formula. This stands for Event + Response = Outcome. While you can't always control external events, you have complete control over your responses. By choosing empowering responses, you can influence outcomes in your favor. This approach eliminates victim mentality and puts you in the driver's seat of your life.

Practice responsibility by:

  • Avoiding blame and excuses
  • Focusing on solutions rather than problems
  • Asking "How can I?" instead of "Why me?"
  • Learning from mistakes instead of dwelling on them

2. Clarify Your Vision and Set Specific Goals

If you want to be successful, you have to take 100% responsibility for everything that you experience in your life.

Vision drives success. A clear, compelling vision of your desired future acts as a powerful motivator and guide. It provides direction and helps you make decisions aligned with your long-term aspirations. Without a vision, you risk drifting aimlessly or being swayed by others' expectations.

SMART goals are crucial. Transform your vision into Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals. This process makes your aspirations concrete and actionable. Write down your goals, review them regularly, and create action plans to achieve them.

Effective goal-setting techniques:

  • Visualize your goals as already achieved
  • Create a vision board with images of your desired outcomes
  • Break large goals into smaller, manageable tasks
  • Set both short-term and long-term goals
  • Regularly review and adjust your goals as needed

3. Believe in Yourself and Your Ability to Succeed

Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.

Self-belief is foundational. Your beliefs about yourself and your capabilities directly impact your actions and results. Cultivating a strong sense of self-efficacy – the belief in your ability to succeed – is crucial for overcoming obstacles and persisting in the face of challenges.

Challenge limiting beliefs. Identify and question self-limiting beliefs that hold you back. Replace them with empowering beliefs that support your goals and aspirations. Remember that beliefs are not facts – they can be changed and upgraded.

Techniques to build self-belief:

  • Practice positive self-talk and affirmations
  • Celebrate your past successes, no matter how small
  • Visualize yourself succeeding in your endeavors
  • Surround yourself with supportive, encouraging people
  • Take on small challenges to build confidence gradually

4. Take Consistent Action Towards Your Goals

The world doesn't pay you for what you know; it pays you for what you do.

Action is the key to success. Knowledge and good intentions are not enough – you must consistently take action to make progress. Develop a bias for action, focusing on doing rather than just planning or thinking. Remember that imperfect action is better than perfect inaction.

Overcome procrastination. Recognize that procrastination often stems from fear or perfectionism. Break tasks into smaller, manageable steps to make them less daunting. Use techniques like the "5-Second Rule" or the "Pomodoro Technique" to get started and maintain momentum.

Strategies for consistent action:

  • Create daily to-do lists aligned with your goals
  • Use the "Rule of 5" – do five specific things daily to advance your goals
  • Implement systems and habits that support your objectives
  • Hold yourself accountable or find an accountability partner
  • Celebrate small wins to maintain motivation

5. Learn from Feedback and Adjust Your Approach

Feedback is the breakfast of champions.

Embrace feedback. View feedback as valuable information that can help you improve and grow. Seek out constructive criticism from mentors, peers, and even customers or clients. Develop the ability to listen without becoming defensive, focusing on the lessons and insights provided.

Adopt a growth mindset. See challenges and setbacks as opportunities for learning and improvement. This perspective allows you to bounce back from failures more quickly and maintain motivation in the face of obstacles. Remember that success often comes through iteration and refinement.

Effective feedback practices:

  • Regularly ask for specific feedback on your performance
  • Implement a system to track and analyze your results
  • Conduct post-mortems on both successes and failures
  • Be open to changing your approach based on new information
  • Use feedback to identify areas for skill development

6. Surround Yourself with Successful People

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.

Environment shapes behavior. The people you associate with have a profound impact on your mindset, habits, and success. Deliberately seek out relationships with individuals who inspire and challenge you to grow. Limit exposure to negative influences that may hold you back.

Create a success network. Build relationships with mentors, peers, and collaborators who support your goals and share your values. Join mastermind groups, attend industry events, and participate in communities of like-minded individuals. These connections can provide support, advice, and opportunities.

Ways to upgrade your network:

  • Identify role models in your field and study their habits
  • Attend conferences and workshops in your area of interest
  • Volunteer for organizations aligned with your goals
  • Offer value to others before asking for anything in return
  • Be willing to distance yourself from toxic relationships

7. Continuously Improve and Develop New Skills

If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you.

Embrace lifelong learning. In a rapidly changing world, continuous learning is essential for staying relevant and competitive. Develop a habit of regular reading, attending courses, and seeking out new experiences. Be curious and open to new ideas and perspectives.

Invest in yourself. Allocate time and resources for personal and professional development. This could involve formal education, online courses, workshops, or self-directed learning. Remember that investing in your skills and knowledge is one of the highest-return investments you can make.

Strategies for continuous improvement:

  • Set aside dedicated time for learning each day
  • Create a personal development plan with specific learning goals
  • Experiment with different learning methods (reading, audio, video, hands-on)
  • Teach others what you learn to reinforce your understanding
  • Seek out challenging projects that stretch your abilities

8. Focus on Your Core Genius and Delegate the Rest

Do what you do best and delegate the rest.

Identify your strengths. Discover your unique talents and areas of exceptional ability – your "core genius." These are activities that you excel at and enjoy, often feeling energized rather than drained when performing them. Focusing on these areas allows you to maximize your impact and value.

Learn to delegate effectively. Recognize that you can't do everything yourself, nor should you try. Identify tasks that can be delegated to others, freeing up your time and energy for high-value activities. Develop systems and train others to handle routine or less critical tasks.

Tips for leveraging your core genius:

  • Conduct a personal SWOT analysis to identify strengths and weaknesses
  • Track how you spend your time and energy for a week
  • Identify tasks that can be automated, eliminated, or delegated
  • Invest in building a strong support team or network
  • Continuously refine your focus as you grow and evolve

9. Manage Your Time Effectively

Either you run the day, or the day runs you.

Time is your most valuable resource. Recognize that how you use your time directly impacts your success and quality of life. Develop systems and habits that allow you to make the most of each day, focusing on high-priority activities that align with your goals.

Use time management techniques. Implement strategies like time blocking, the Eisenhower Matrix, or the Pomodoro Technique to increase productivity and focus. Regularly review and optimize your systems to ensure they continue to serve you effectively.

Effective time management practices:

  • Plan your day the night before
  • Use the 80/20 rule to identify high-impact activities
  • Batch similar tasks together for efficiency
  • Create boundaries around your time and learn to say no
  • Take regular breaks to maintain energy and focus

10. Overcome Fear and Persist Through Challenges

Everything you want is on the other side of fear.

Fear is natural but not insurmountable. Recognize that fear often indicates you're stepping out of your comfort zone, which is necessary for growth. Develop strategies to manage fear, such as reframing it as excitement or focusing on the potential benefits of taking action.

Persistence is key to success. Understand that setbacks and failures are part of the journey to success. Develop resilience by viewing challenges as opportunities to learn and grow. Remember that many successful people faced numerous rejections and failures before achieving their goals.

Techniques for overcoming fear and building persistence:

  • Practice visualization to build confidence in facing challenges
  • Use affirmations to counter negative self-talk
  • Break daunting tasks into smaller, less intimidating steps
  • Celebrate small victories along the way
  • Learn from role models who have overcome similar obstacles

Last updated:

Review Summary

4.25 out of 5
Average of 34k+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

The Success Principles receives overwhelmingly positive reviews, with readers praising its comprehensive and practical approach to achieving success. Many find the book life-changing, offering valuable insights and actionable steps. Readers appreciate Canfield's clear writing style and the abundance of real-life examples. Some critics find the book repetitive or too long, but most agree it's an excellent resource for personal development. The book's principles cover various aspects of life, including goal-setting, mindset, relationships, and financial success.

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About the Author

Jack Canfield is a renowned motivational speaker and author, best known for co-creating the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" series. Born in 1944, he holds degrees from Harvard and the University of Massachusetts. Canfield has founded seminars and foundations focused on self-esteem and personal development. He has appeared on numerous television shows and written several books, including "The Success Principles" in 2005. Canfield has been married three times and has four children. His work combines insights from various self-help and motivational sources, aiming to help people achieve personal and professional success.

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