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Strangers to the City

Strangers to the City

Reflections on the Beliefs and Values of the Rule of St. Benedict - Paperback (Voices from the Monastery)
by Michael Casey 2005 212 pages
100+ ratings
11 minutes

Key Takeaways

1. Embrace Distinctiveness: Monastic Life as a Counter-Cultural Journey

"To make oneself a stranger to the actions of this age" (RB 4:20)

Counter-cultural living. Monastic life calls for a radical departure from societal norms, embracing a lifestyle that prioritizes spiritual growth over worldly pursuits. This distinctiveness is not merely about external practices but about cultivating a different mindset and set of values.

Clarity of purpose. The monastic journey begins with a clear understanding of one's motivation. Benedict asks newcomers, "Friend, for what purpose have you come?" (RB 60:3). This question invites deep reflection on the spiritual calling that draws one to monastic life.

Transformation process. Embracing monastic distinctiveness involves:

  • Letting go of societal expectations and worldly ambitions
  • Adopting a new identity rooted in spiritual values
  • Cultivating a mindset of being "in the world but not of it"
  • Continuously reorienting oneself towards the ultimate goal of union with God

2. Cultivate Asceticism: The Path to Spiritual Growth and Self-Transcendence

"He is badly deceived who thinks that while he lives in this mortal body that he has no need of bodily exercises."

Purposeful renunciation. Asceticism in monastic life is not about self-punishment but about redirecting one's energies towards spiritual growth. It involves intentional self-denial and discipline to create space for deeper spiritual experiences.

Holistic approach. Benedictine asceticism is characterized by:

  • Moderation rather than extreme practices
  • Integration into daily community life
  • Adaptability to individual needs and circumstances
  • Focus on interior transformation rather than external performances

Fruits of asceticism:

  • Increased self-awareness and humility
  • Greater capacity for love and compassion
  • Enhanced ability to perceive spiritual realities
  • Freedom from the tyranny of desires and impulses

3. Practice Leisure: Finding Meaning in Silence and Reflection

"Leisure is a receptive attitude of mind, a contemplative attitude, and it is not only the occasion but also the capacity for steeping oneself in the whole of creation."

Redefining leisure. In monastic context, leisure is not idleness or mere relaxation, but a state of receptivity and attentiveness to the present moment. It creates space for deeper reflection and spiritual insights.

Components of monastic leisure:

  • Silence: Cultivating inner stillness and receptivity
  • Disengagement: Stepping back from constant activity
  • Mindfulness: Being fully present to each moment
  • Openness: Allowing for unexpected insights and experiences

Benefits of leisure:

  • Enhanced creativity and problem-solving abilities
  • Deeper self-understanding and spiritual growth
  • Increased capacity for empathy and connection with others
  • Renewed energy and clarity of purpose

4. Nurture a Love for Reading: Feeding the Mind and Soul

"A line-by-line, word-by-word analysis must be undertaken…. The hardest thing of all is the simplest to formulate: every word must be understood."

Transformative power of reading. In monastic tradition, reading is not merely for information but for formation. It's a means of encountering wisdom, challenging one's assumptions, and deepening one's spiritual life.

Lectio Divina. This practice of sacred reading involves:

  • Slow, meditative reading of Scripture or spiritual texts
  • Reflection on the meaning and personal application of the text
  • Prayer arising from the insights gained
  • Contemplation, resting in God's presence

Balanced approach to reading:

  • Embracing a variety of texts, both sacred and secular
  • Practicing critical thinking and discernment
  • Allowing space for reflection and integration
  • Sharing insights with the community

5. Embrace Chastity: A Radical Commitment to Love and Freedom

"To love chastity" (RB 4:64)

Redefining chastity. In monastic life, chastity is not merely abstinence but a positive commitment to love God and others more fully. It's about freeing oneself from the tyranny of sexual desires to embrace a broader, more inclusive love.

Components of monastic chastity:

  • Self-knowledge and acceptance of one's sexuality
  • Integration of sexual energy into spiritual life
  • Cultivation of healthy, non-exclusive relationships
  • Constant turning towards God as the source of ultimate fulfillment

Fruits of chastity:

  • Greater capacity for genuine intimacy and friendship
  • Freedom from the compulsions of sexual desire
  • Enhanced ability to see and love others as they truly are
  • Deeper union with God through undivided attention

6. Practice Dispossession: Letting Go for Spiritual Abundance

"He must keep for himself nothing of all he owned." (RB 58:24)

Radical detachment. Monastic poverty goes beyond material simplicity to embrace a deeper spiritual poverty - a willingness to let go of everything that hinders union with God.

Aspects of monastic dispossession:

  • Material simplicity: Living with only what is necessary
  • Detachment from status and privilege
  • Willingness to share all things in common
  • Surrender of personal will to God's will

Spiritual benefits:

  • Freedom from the anxieties of ownership and status
  • Greater trust in God's providence
  • Enhanced capacity for gratitude and wonder
  • Increased availability for service to others

7. Cultivate Antecedent Willingness: The Heart of Obedience

"The benefit of obedience" (RB 71:1)

Redefining obedience. In monastic life, obedience is not blind submission but a proactive openness to God's will, manifested through various channels including community life and spiritual direction.

Characteristics of monastic obedience:

  • Listening attitude: Being attentive to God's voice in all circumstances
  • Humility: Recognizing one's need for guidance and correction
  • Flexibility: Willingness to adapt to changing circumstances
  • Trust: Believing in the wisdom of the monastic tradition and community

Fruits of obedience:

  • Freedom from the tyranny of self-will
  • Deeper alignment with God's purposes
  • Growth in humility and self-knowledge
  • Increased capacity for genuine community life

8. Foster Mutuality: Building Community Through Self-Denial

"Let them compete in showing obedience to one another." (RB 72:6)

Reciprocal love. Monastic community is built on mutual self-giving, where each member seeks to serve and support others, creating a network of relationships that reflect Christ's love.

Elements of monastic mutuality:

  • Mutual obedience: Willingness to defer to others' needs and insights
  • Shared responsibility: Contributing to the common good
  • Forgiveness and reconciliation: Constantly working through conflicts
  • Celebration of diversity: Valuing each person's unique gifts

Benefits of mutuality:

  • Creation of a supportive environment for spiritual growth
  • Practical school of love and self-transcendence
  • Witness to the world of a different way of living
  • Foretaste of the Kingdom of God

9. Embrace Generativity: Passing on the Monastic Charism

"Let him be as a father to the whole community." (RB 31:2)

Living tradition. Monastic life is not just about personal spiritual growth but about passing on a living tradition to future generations. This involves both preserving the essential elements of monastic life and adapting them to new contexts.

Aspects of monastic generativity:

  • Mentoring and formation of new members
  • Cultivating a rich spiritual and intellectual culture
  • Adapting monastic practices to contemporary needs
  • Sharing monastic wisdom with the wider world

Challenges and opportunities:

  • Balancing tradition and innovation
  • Nurturing vocations in a changing world
  • Developing new forms of monastic presence
  • Collaborating with lay people in living out monastic values

10. Center on Christ: The Core of Monastic Spirituality

"To put nothing before the love of Christ" (RB 4:21)

Christ-centered life. The heart of monastic spirituality is a personal relationship with Christ, which gives meaning and direction to all other aspects of monastic life.

Expressions of Christ-centeredness:

  • Constant meditation on the Gospels
  • Imitation of Christ's self-emptying love
  • Seeing Christ in every person, especially the poor and marginalized
  • Celebrating the liturgy as an encounter with Christ

Fruits of Christ-centeredness:

  • Transformation into Christ-likeness
  • Deepening capacity for love and compassion
  • Ability to find meaning in suffering and difficulties
  • Joyful witness to the Gospel

11. Pursue Contemplation: The Ultimate Goal of Monastic Life

"With hearts expanded by love's sweetness which is beyond words" (RB PROL. 49)

Mystical dimension. Contemplation is not an esoteric practice for a select few but the natural flowering of a life dedicated to seeking God. It involves a gradual transformation of consciousness, leading to a more direct experience of God's presence.

Elements of contemplative life:

  • Regular times of silent prayer
  • Cultivation of inner stillness and receptivity
  • Openness to moments of divine encounter in daily life
  • Integration of prayer and work

Challenges and fruits:

  • Perseverance through periods of dryness and difficulty
  • Gradual purification of motives and desires
  • Increased capacity for compassion and service
  • Deepening sense of union with God and all creation

12. Persevere in Holiness: The Lifelong Journey of Monastic Commitment

"If he promises perseverance in his stability" (RB 58:9)

Lifelong commitment. Monastic life is not a sprint but a marathon, requiring ongoing recommitment and adaptation to changing circumstances while remaining faithful to the core monastic values.

Aspects of monastic perseverance:

  • Stability: Commitment to a particular community and way of life
  • Conversion of life: Ongoing transformation and growth
  • Fidelity to the monastic practices and rhythms
  • Trust in God's faithfulness through all seasons of life

Fruits of perseverance:

  • Deepening of spiritual insights and experiences
  • Witness to the possibility of lifelong commitment
  • Creation of a stable environment for spiritual growth
  • Gradual realization of the monastic ideal of becoming truly human

Last updated:

Review Summary

4.27 out of 5
Average of 100+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

Strangers to the City receives mostly positive reviews, with an average rating of 4.27/5. Readers appreciate Casey's insights into Benedictine spirituality and monastic life. Many find the book's teachings applicable to their own lives, though some criticize its focus on monks and nuns rather than laypeople. Reviewers praise the chapters on asceticism, leisure, and contemplation. While some find the language academic, others appreciate the depth of wisdom. Overall, it's considered a valuable resource for those interested in Benedictine values and spiritual growth.

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About the Author

Michael Casey is an Australian Trappist monk and author known for his expertise in Benedictine spirituality. He has written numerous books on monastic life and the Rule of St. Benedict, gaining recognition as a respected voice in contemplative Christian living. Casey's work often focuses on applying monastic principles to contemporary life, both for religious and lay individuals. His writing style is described as clear, thoughtful, and profound, drawing from his extensive knowledge of monastic tradition and personal experience. Casey's insights have made him a popular author among those seeking to deepen their spiritual practice, whether within or outside of traditional monastic settings.

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