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Questions and Answers on Conversations with God

Questions and Answers on Conversations with God

by Neale Donald Walsch 2000 402 pages
100+ ratings

Key Takeaways

1. God communicates directly with everyone, not just through religious intermediaries

"Words are the least reliable form of communication."

Direct communication. God speaks to each person directly through thoughts, feelings, and experiences. This communication is not limited to religious leaders or sacred texts. Instead, it is a constant, ongoing dialogue available to everyone. The key is learning to recognize and interpret these messages.

Listening within. To hear God's voice, one must quiet the mind and listen to the "still, small voice" within. This can be done through meditation, prayer, or simply being present in the moment. The challenge is distinguishing between our own thoughts and divine guidance.

Universal accessibility. God's messages are not confined to any one religion or belief system. They come in forms that are most meaningful to each individual, whether through nature, art, music, or everyday interactions. The important thing is to remain open and receptive to these communications.

2. We create our own reality through our thoughts, words, and actions

"Life proceeds out of your intentions for it."

Power of intention. Our thoughts and beliefs shape our experiences and the world around us. By consciously choosing our intentions, we can actively create the reality we desire. This concept emphasizes personal responsibility and empowerment.

Manifestation process:

  • Identify what you want to create
  • Visualize it clearly in your mind
  • Align your thoughts, words, and actions with that vision
  • Release attachment to the outcome
  • Take inspired action

Collective creation. While we have individual power, we also participate in collective creation. Our shared beliefs and intentions shape society and global events. By changing our personal perspective, we contribute to shifting the larger reality.

3. There is no absolute right or wrong, only what serves or doesn't serve

"Nothing is evil lest thinking make it so."

Beyond morality. Traditional concepts of right and wrong are human constructs, not absolute truths. Instead of judging actions as good or bad, we can evaluate them based on whether they serve our highest good and the good of others.

Contextual ethics. What serves in one situation may not serve in another. This perspective encourages flexibility and discernment rather than rigid adherence to rules. It requires us to be fully present and aware in each moment to make conscious choices.

Personal responsibility. Without absolute moral standards imposed from outside, we must take full responsibility for our choices and their consequences. This approach fosters growth, self-awareness, and intentional living.

4. Love is the essence of who we are and the purpose of life

"Love is all there is."

Universal energy. Love is not just an emotion, but the fundamental energy of the universe. It is the essence of God and, by extension, the essence of our true selves. All other emotions and experiences are variations or distortions of this basic love.

Life's purpose. The primary purpose of life is to express and experience love in all its forms. This includes:

  • Self-love and acceptance
  • Unconditional love for others
  • Love for all of creation

Transformative power. Love has the power to heal, transform, and create. By choosing love in every situation, we align ourselves with the highest good and unlock our full potential as co-creators with God.

5. We are all one with God and each other

"There is no separation between you and God, and there is no separation between you and each other."

Divine nature. We are not separate beings created by God, but expressions of God itself. Our true nature is divine, unlimited, and eternal. Recognizing this truth is key to unlocking our full potential and living in harmony with all of creation.

Interconnectedness. Because we are all expressions of the same divine essence, we are fundamentally interconnected. What affects one affects all. This understanding fosters compassion, cooperation, and a sense of global responsibility.

Practical implications:

  • Treat others as you would treat yourself (because they are yourself)
  • Recognize the divine in everyone and everything
  • Understand that harming others is ultimately harming yourself

6. Life is not about learning, but remembering who we really are

"You have nothing to learn. You have only to remember Who You Are."

Inherent wisdom. We already possess all the knowledge and wisdom we need. Our journey is not about acquiring new information, but about uncovering the truth that is already within us. This process is one of remembering rather than learning.

Forgetting as a divine game. We have chosen to forget our true nature as part of the divine game of life. This forgetting allows us to experience the joy of rediscovery and the thrill of creation. Each life experience is an opportunity to remember and express our divine nature in new ways.

Awakening process:

  • Question limiting beliefs and assumptions
  • Pay attention to intuition and inner guidance
  • Embrace experiences that resonate with your true self
  • Let go of identities and roles that no longer serve you

7. Death is not the end, but a transition to another state of being

"Death is a transition, not an ending."

Continuity of consciousness. Our essence, or soul, continues to exist after physical death. The experience of death is simply a shift in perspective and form, not an end to our existence or awareness.

Life review and choice. After death, we have the opportunity to review our life experiences and choose our next steps. This may include reincarnation, exploring other realms, or merging more fully with the divine consciousness.

Implications for living:

  • Release fear of death
  • Live with purpose and intention, knowing each moment contributes to your eternal journey
  • Maintain connections with loved ones who have passed, recognizing they are still present in a different form

8. Relationships are opportunities for self-definition and growth

"The purpose of relationship is not to have another who might complete you; but to have another with whom you might share your completeness."

Mirrors of self. Relationships serve as mirrors, reflecting aspects of ourselves that we may not otherwise see. They provide opportunities for self-discovery, growth, and the expression of our true nature.

Co-creation. In relationships, we co-create experiences that allow us to define and express who we are. This includes romantic partnerships, friendships, family relationships, and even brief encounters with strangers.

Keys to fulfilling relationships:

  • Enter relationships from a place of wholeness, not need
  • See others as divine beings, not objects to fulfill your desires
  • Use conflicts and challenges as opportunities for growth and self-awareness
  • Communicate openly and honestly, expressing your truth with love

9. Highly Evolved Beings exist and model ideal societies

"Highly Evolved Beings do not compete for anything."

Advanced civilizations. There exist societies of beings who have evolved beyond many of the challenges and limitations we face on Earth. These Highly Evolved Beings (HEBs) demonstrate what is possible when we fully embrace our divine nature and live in harmony with universal principles.

Characteristics of HEB societies:

  • Cooperation instead of competition
  • Sharing of resources and knowledge
  • Focus on collective well-being rather than individual gain
  • Advanced technology used for the benefit of all
  • Deep respect for the interconnectedness of all life

Inspiration for Earth. While we may not be able to instantly transform our societies to match HEB civilizations, we can use their example as inspiration and a guide for our own evolution. By adopting similar principles on individual and collective levels, we can gradually create a more harmonious and fulfilling world.

10. Money and material possessions are not inherently good or bad

"Money is not the root of all evil, lack of money is."

Neutral tools. Money and material possessions are simply tools that can be used for various purposes. They are not inherently good or evil; their value depends on how we use them and the intentions behind our actions.

Abundance mindset. The universe is abundant, and there is enough for everyone. Lack and scarcity are human constructs that often lead to fear, greed, and conflict. By adopting an abundance mindset, we can create and share wealth in ways that benefit all.

Balanced approach:

  • Use money and possessions as means to express love and creativity, not as ends in themselves
  • Practice gratitude for what you have while remaining open to receiving more
  • Share resources generously, knowing that giving creates more abundance
  • Focus on creating value for others rather than accumulating for yourself

11. Traditional religious concepts often misrepresent God's nature

"God has no preference in the matter of how your life turns out."

Loving, non-judgmental God. Unlike many traditional religious portrayals, God is not a judgmental, punishing figure. Instead, God is pure love and acceptance, allowing us complete free will to create and experience as we choose.

No heaven or hell. The concepts of heaven and hell as eternal rewards or punishments are human inventions. In reality, we continue to grow and evolve after death, with opportunities to experience different states of being based on our choices and level of awareness.

Rethinking religious ideas:

  • God does not require worship or obedience
  • There is no single "right" path to spiritual fulfillment
  • Divine love is unconditional and available to all, regardless of beliefs or actions
  • Forgiveness is unnecessary because God never condemns in the first place

12. We have the power to create heaven on earth through conscious choices

"What you resist, persists. What you look at, disappears."

Collective creation. We have the power to transform our world through conscious choices and collective intention. By aligning our thoughts, words, and actions with higher principles, we can create a society that reflects our highest ideals.

Personal responsibility. Each individual has a role to play in this transformation. By taking responsibility for our own growth and choices, we contribute to the evolution of the whole. Small changes in personal behavior and perspective can have ripple effects throughout society.

Steps toward a better world:

  • Cultivate inner peace and self-awareness
  • Practice compassion and unconditional love
  • Make choices based on what serves the highest good for all
  • Collaborate with others to create positive change
  • Envision and work towards the world you want to see, rather than fighting against what you don't want

Last updated:

Review Summary

4.1 out of 5
Average of 100+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

Questions and Answers on Conversations with God receives mixed reviews, with an overall rating of 4.10 out of 5 based on 124 reviews. Some readers find it highly satisfying, covering interesting questions that arise from the CWG series. They recommend it for those seeking answers after reading the original books. However, one reviewer, who claims to have proofread the book, strongly advises against reading it, citing concerns for health and safety. Another reviewer owns the book but hasn't read it yet.

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About the Author

Neale Donald Walsch is a contemporary spiritual messenger known for his "With God" series, which has been translated into 34 languages and impacted millions of lives. His books, including the New York Times bestseller "Conversations with God," have redefined spiritual paradigms globally. Walsch has authored numerous works and created the Conversations with God Foundation to promote peace and clarity. His spiritual journey has taken him worldwide, from Macchu Picchu to Tiananmen Square, where he has encountered a universal desire for a new way of living. Walsch aims to provide a fresh understanding of life and God to help people experience harmony.

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