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Living in the Light

Living in the Light

Follow Your Inner Guidance to Create a New Life and a New World
by Shakti Gawain 2011 240 pages
5k+ ratings
Self Help
New Age

Key Takeaways

1. Trust Your Intuition: The Key to Living in the Light

The true solution is to re-educate ourselves to listen to and trust the inner truths that come to us through our intuitive feelings.

Intuition as guidance. Our intuition is the voice of our higher self, connecting us to the universal wisdom. By learning to trust and follow this inner guidance, we can live more authentically and creatively. This process involves:

  • Recognizing the difference between intuitive feelings and other mental chatter
  • Practicing "checking in" regularly with our gut feelings
  • Acting on intuitive promptings, even when they seem illogical
  • Observing the results of following intuition vs. ignoring it

Overcoming fears. Trusting intuition often means facing fears and taking risks. It may lead to unexpected changes in relationships, career, or lifestyle. However, these changes ultimately lead to greater aliveness, fulfillment, and alignment with our true selves.

2. Embrace Your Inner Male and Female Energies

Our female is inspired by a creative impulse and communicates it to us through a feeling, and our male acts on it by speaking, moving, or doing whatever is appropriate.

Balance of energies. Each person contains both male and female energies, regardless of biological sex. The female energy is receptive, intuitive, and creative, while the male energy is active, expressive, and manifesting. Integrating these energies leads to wholeness and empowerment.

Practical application:

  • Develop your receptive, intuitive side through meditation, quiet reflection, and artistic expression
  • Strengthen your active, manifesting side by taking bold action on your intuitive impulses
  • Practice allowing your female energy to guide and your male energy to support and implement
  • Observe how this balance affects your relationships, creativity, and overall well-being

3. The World as Your Mirror: Learning from Reflections

I assume that everything in my life is my reflection, my creation; there are no accidents or events that are unrelated to me.

External reflections. Our external world mirrors our internal state, beliefs, and patterns. By observing our experiences and relationships, we can gain insight into our own psyche and areas for growth.

Interpreting reflections:

  • Notice recurring patterns in relationships or situations
  • Ask yourself, "What part of me does this person or situation reflect?"
  • Look for both positive and negative reflections
  • Use conflicts as opportunities to identify and heal internal conflicts

Growth through awareness. As we become more conscious of these reflections, we can:

  • Take responsibility for our experiences
  • Make changes in our internal landscape to affect our external reality
  • Develop greater compassion for ourselves and others

4. Relationships: A Journey of Self-Discovery

A new idea of relationships is emerging that is based on each person developing wholeness within him- or herself.

Self-relationship first. The key to fulfilling relationships is developing a strong relationship with oneself. This involves:

  • Taking responsibility for one's own needs and happiness
  • Practicing self-love and self-care
  • Developing emotional intelligence and self-awareness

Authentic connection. From this foundation of self-wholeness, we can create more authentic and satisfying relationships:

  • Communicate honestly and directly about feelings and needs
  • Set healthy boundaries
  • Allow relationships to evolve naturally without rigid expectations
  • See partners as mirrors for our own growth rather than sources of fulfillment

Romance redefined. True romance becomes an expression of our love affair with life itself, rather than a desperate search for external completion.

5. Money: A Symbol of Creative Energy Flow

Because the creative energy of the universe in all of us is limitless and readily available, so, potentially, is money.

Energy and abundance. Money is a symbol of the universal creative energy flowing through us. Our relationship with money reflects our relationship with this energy.

Cultivating abundance:

  • Trust and follow your intuition in work and financial decisions
  • Release old beliefs about scarcity or unworthiness
  • Practice both active (pursuing goals) and receptive (allowing opportunities) approaches
  • Use money as a tool for creative expression and contribution
  • Develop a balanced approach to saving, spending, and investing

Prosperity consciousness. As we align with our true purpose and express our creativity freely, we naturally attract the resources needed to support our vision.

6. Health: Your Body's Messages and Healing Power

Dis-ease is a message from our bodies, telling us that, in some way, we are not following our true energy or supporting our feelings.

Body wisdom. Our bodies are constantly communicating with us, providing feedback about our alignment with our true selves. Illness and discomfort are signals that something needs attention.

Listening to your body:

  • Regular check-ins with your physical sensations and emotions
  • Asking your body what it needs when you experience discomfort
  • Paying attention to recurring symptoms or patterns

Holistic healing. True healing involves addressing not just physical symptoms, but also emotional, mental, and spiritual imbalances. This may include:

  • Expressing suppressed emotions
  • Changing thought patterns or beliefs
  • Making lifestyle changes aligned with your intuition
  • Seeking appropriate medical or alternative therapies

7. Work and Play: Following Your Passion

When you're following your energy and doing what feels right to you, moment by moment, the distinction between work and play tends to dissolve.

Aligned action. When we follow our intuition and passion, work becomes an expression of our true selves rather than a burden. This leads to greater fulfillment, creativity, and often, financial success.

Finding your path:

  • Explore your fantasies and desires, even if they seem impractical
  • Take small steps to incorporate more of what you love into your work
  • Be open to unconventional career paths or combinations of interests
  • Trust that following your energy will lead to opportunities and resources

Balance and flow. Allow yourself to move between periods of intense activity and rest, following your natural rhythms rather than external expectations.

8. Parenting: Nurturing Intuitive Beings

Children are powerful, spiritual beings who are responsible for their own lives — they chose you as a parent so that they could learn the things they needed to work out in this lifetime.

Spiritual perspective. Recognizing children as spiritual beings with their own wisdom and path can transform the parenting experience. This involves:

  • Honoring children's intuition and feelings
  • Supporting their natural curiosity and self-expression
  • Providing guidance while allowing them to make choices and learn from consequences

Mirroring and growth. Children often mirror our own unresolved issues or disowned aspects. By seeing them as teachers, we can:

  • Identify areas for our own healing and growth
  • Model authentic self-expression and emotional honesty
  • Create a family culture of mutual respect and open communication

9. Transforming Addictions and Emotional Patterns

I see addiction as a means people use to pace (control) this power.

Root of addiction. Addictions often stem from fear of our own power and energy, or attempts to avoid uncomfortable emotions. Understanding this can shift our approach to healing.

Healing strategies:

  • Develop trust in your natural energy flow
  • Practice feeling and expressing emotions safely
  • Build internal strength through self-trust and assertion
  • Seek support from therapy, support groups, or holistic healing modalities

Emotional awareness. Learning to feel and express all emotions, including those deemed "negative," is crucial for healing and wholeness. This involves:

  • Recognizing and naming emotions
  • Allowing emotions to move through without judgment
  • Expressing feelings authentically in relationships
  • Using creative outlets for emotional expression

10. Creating Your Perfect Body Through Self-Trust

The way to a healthy, strong, and beautiful body is to learn to trust and love yourself.

Body wisdom. Our bodies have innate intelligence about what they need for optimal health and beauty. By learning to trust this wisdom, we can create sustainable well-being.

Self-trust practices:

  • Listen to your body's signals about food, rest, and movement
  • Question external "shoulds" about diet and exercise
  • Explore intuitive eating and joyful movement
  • Practice self-acceptance and positive body image

Assertion and boundaries. Many body issues stem from lack of self-assertion and poor boundaries. Learning to express needs and set limits can lead to natural weight balance and increased vitality.

Last updated:

Review Summary

4.09 out of 5
Average of 5k+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

Living in the Light receives mostly positive reviews, with readers praising its transformative potential and spiritual insights. Many found it life-changing, especially those new to self-help literature. The book's focus on intuition, personal growth, and universal energy resonated strongly with many readers. Some appreciated its practical exercises and meditations. However, a few critics found it overly simplistic or disagreed with certain concepts. Several reviewers noted that the book's impact depends on one's openness to spiritual ideas and personal readiness for change.

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About the Author

Shakti Gawain is a prominent figure in the personal development field, known for her bestselling books on spirituality and self-improvement. Her most famous work, "Creative Visualization," has contributed to her books selling over 10 million copies worldwide. Gawain's writing focuses on themes such as intuition, personal transformation, and aligning with universal energy. She co-founded New World Library Publishing Company and established Nataraj Publishing. Her other notable works include "Awakening," "The Path of Transformation," and "Creating True Prosperity." Gawain's influence in the self-help and spiritual growth genres has made her a respected voice in personal development literature.

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