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Declaring God's Word

Declaring God's Word

A 365 Day Devotional
by Derek Prince 2008 432 pages
100+ ratings

Key Takeaways

1. We are justified and made righteous through faith in Christ

"For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him."

Justification by faith is a central doctrine of Christianity. Through Christ's sacrificial death on the cross, believers are declared righteous before God, not based on their own merits, but on Christ's perfect righteousness imputed to them. This divine exchange is the foundation of our salvation and relationship with God.

Key aspects of justification:

  • It is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone
  • It provides full forgiveness of sins
  • It grants us a righteous standing before God
  • It is instantaneous and complete at the moment of genuine faith

This righteousness is not just a legal declaration, but also empowers us to live righteously. As we embrace our new identity in Christ, we are transformed from the inside out, enabled by the Holy Spirit to reflect God's character in our daily lives.

2. Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, redeemed by Christ's blood

"Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?"

Our bodies are sacred because they are indwelled by the Holy Spirit. This profound truth should radically change how we view and treat our physical selves. We are not our own, but have been bought with the precious blood of Christ.

Implications of our bodies as God's temple:

  • We should honor God with our bodies
  • Our physical health and well-being matter to God
  • Sexual purity is of utmost importance
  • We should use our bodies as instruments of righteousness
  • Our bodies are meant for worship and service to God

This reality calls us to a holistic approach to spirituality that doesn't neglect the physical dimension. It challenges us to present our bodies as living sacrifices, recognizing that how we treat our bodies is an act of worship and stewardship.

3. Satan has no power over believers who stand firm in faith

"Satan has no place in me, no power over me, no unsettled claims against me. All has been settled by the blood of Jesus!"

Believers have authority over Satan through Christ's finished work on the cross. While the enemy may attempt to deceive, accuse, and tempt us, he has no real power over those who are in Christ and stand firm in their faith.

Keys to standing firm against Satan:

  • Know your identity in Christ
  • Understand the full implications of Christ's victory
  • Put on the full armor of God
  • Resist the devil with the Word of God
  • Walk in obedience and submission to God

By consistently declaring and believing these truths, we can live in the freedom and victory that Christ has secured for us. We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us, and nothing can separate us from God's love.

4. We are adopted as God's children and have a new identity in Christ

"In love, my Father has predestined me to be adopted as His son or daughter."

Our adoption into God's family is a profound aspect of our salvation that impacts our identity, security, and purpose. We are not merely forgiven sinners, but beloved children of the Most High God, with all the rights and privileges that come with that status.

Implications of our adoption:

  • We have intimate access to God as our Father
  • We are heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ
  • We have a new family – the body of Christ
  • We are loved unconditionally and eternally
  • We have a secure future in God's kingdom

This new identity should transform how we see ourselves and how we live. We no longer need to strive for acceptance or worth, as we are fully accepted and valued in Christ. Our lives can be characterized by confidence, joy, and purposeful living as we embrace our role as God's children.

5. The Holy Spirit enables us to access God and live as His children

"I have received the Spirit of sonship, and by Him, I cry, 'Abba, Father.'"

The Holy Spirit plays a crucial role in our relationship with God as our Father. He is the one who assures us of our adoption, enables us to approach God intimately, and helps us to live as true children of God.

The Holy Spirit's work in our lives:

  • He testifies to our spirit that we are God's children
  • He helps us pray and communicate with God
  • He leads us in paths of righteousness
  • He empowers us to overcome sin and live holy lives
  • He produces spiritual fruit in our character

Through the Spirit's indwelling presence, we can experience the reality of our new relationship with God. He transforms our hearts, renews our minds, and empowers us to live in a way that reflects our heavenly citizenship.

6. God's love and compassion for us is unfailing

"As a father has compassion on his children, so God has compassion on me."

God's love is unconditional and His compassion towards us is endless. This truth forms the bedrock of our relationship with Him and should profoundly impact how we view ourselves and others.

Characteristics of God's love and compassion:

  • It is not based on our performance or worthiness
  • It is constant and unchanging
  • It is deeply personal and intimate
  • It is active and demonstrative
  • It is transformative and healing

Understanding and experiencing God's love and compassion should lead us to greater trust, obedience, and love for Him. It should also overflow in compassion towards others, as we seek to reflect God's heart to the world around us.

7. We must actively pursue spiritual growth and maturity

"Let us press on to maturity."

Spiritual growth is intentional, not automatic. While salvation is a free gift of God's grace, maturing in our faith requires active participation and discipline on our part. We are called to continually progress in our knowledge, character, and service to God.

Keys to spiritual growth:

  • Regular study and application of God's Word
  • Consistent prayer and communion with God
  • Active involvement in a local church community
  • Developing spiritual disciplines (fasting, giving, etc.)
  • Serving others and using our spiritual gifts
  • Embracing trials as opportunities for growth

As we press on to maturity, we become more effective in our witness, more stable in our faith, and more aligned with God's purposes for our lives. The goal is to be conformed to the image of Christ, reflecting His character in every aspect of our lives.

8. Holding fast to our confession of faith is crucial

"Let us hold fast our confession."

Our confession of faith is not just a one-time declaration, but a continual affirmation of what we believe about God and His promises. Holding fast to this confession is essential for maintaining our faith and experiencing the fullness of God's blessings.

Importance of holding fast our confession:

  • It strengthens our faith
  • It aligns our thoughts with God's truth
  • It is a weapon against Satan's attacks
  • It activates God's promises in our lives
  • It encourages others and glorifies God

In times of trial or doubt, we must choose to declare God's truth over our circumstances. This is not positive thinking or denial of reality, but a faith-filled alignment with the higher reality of God's Word and promises.

9. We can approach God's throne of grace with confidence

"Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need."

Access to God's throne is a tremendous privilege secured for us by Christ. We are invited to come boldly, not based on our own merit, but on the finished work of Jesus. This invitation is for every believer, at any time, for any need.

What it means to approach God's throne boldly:

  • We come with confidence, not fear or hesitation
  • We come expecting to receive mercy and grace
  • We come honestly, laying our needs before God
  • We come frequently, not just in times of crisis
  • We come reverently, recognizing God's holiness

This access to God should transform our prayer lives, leading us to more frequent, intimate, and expectant communion with our heavenly Father. It assures us that we are never alone in our struggles and that divine help is always available.

10. Praying for the peace of Jerusalem brings blessing

"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: 'May they prosper who love you.'"

Praying for Jerusalem is not just a suggestion, but a biblical command that comes with a promise of blessing. This practice aligns us with God's heart for His chosen people and His prophetic purposes for the world.

Reasons to pray for Jerusalem:

  • It's a biblical mandate
  • It brings blessing to those who pray
  • It aligns us with God's prophetic timeline
  • It demonstrates love for God's chosen people
  • It promotes peace in a volatile region

While the full implications of this command may be debated, the principle of seeking the welfare of Jerusalem and the Jewish people is clear. As we pray, we participate in God's unfolding plan for Israel and the nations, and position ourselves for His blessing.

Last updated:

Review Summary

4.44 out of 5
Average of 100+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

Declaring God's Word by Derek Prince is a highly-rated daily devotional book. Readers praise its ability to deepen their understanding of the Bible, God's nature, and Christian living. Many find it engaging and insightful, with some rereading it multiple times. The book's structured approach, focusing on a weekly Scripture verse for vocal confession, is appreciated. While some readers find certain parts challenging, requiring meditation, the overall sentiment is overwhelmingly positive, with many recommending it as an excellent year-long devotional.

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About the Author

Derek Prince (1915-2003) was a renowned international Bible teacher and author. Born in India to British parents, he received a classical education at Eton College and Cambridge University. Prince's academic background included studies in Greek, Latin, Hebrew, and Aramaic. He founded Derek Prince Ministries International and authored over fifty books. His teachings continue to reach a global audience through his daily radio broadcast, Derek Prince Legacy Radio. Prince's diverse educational background and extensive ministry work established him as a respected figure in biblical teaching and Christian literature.

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