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Creating True Prosperity (Gawain, Shakti)

Creating True Prosperity (Gawain, Shakti)

by Shakti Gawain 2000 192 pages
100+ ratings
Self Help

Key Takeaways

1. True prosperity is an internal experience, not dependent on money

Prosperity is the experience of having plenty of what we truly need and want in life, material and otherwise.

Internal fulfillment. True prosperity stems from a sense of inner contentment and having enough of what truly matters to us. It's not exclusively tied to financial wealth, but rather to the quality of our overall life experience. Many people with substantial wealth still feel unfulfilled, while others with modest means can experience deep satisfaction.

Holistic approach. To create true prosperity, we must:

  • Discover what we genuinely need and want
  • Develop the ability to bring those things into our lives
  • Recognize, appreciate, and enjoy what we already have

This approach allows us to experience prosperity at almost any income level, except when we're unable to meet our basic physical needs. By focusing on these aspects, we can cultivate a sense of abundance that transcends our bank account balance.

2. Money reflects our consciousness and serves as a teacher

Money is a mirror of our consciousness, what is and isn't working.

Financial reflection. Our relationship with money often mirrors our deeper beliefs, attitudes, and emotional patterns. Financial challenges or successes can reveal areas where we need healing, growth, or development. By viewing money as a reflection of our inner world, we can use it as a tool for self-discovery and personal growth.

Learning opportunities. When we encounter financial difficulties, instead of seeing them as purely negative experiences, we can approach them as valuable lessons. Some ways money acts as a teacher:

  • Revealing our fears and insecurities
  • Highlighting areas where we need to develop new skills
  • Challenging us to confront and heal past traumas
  • Encouraging us to examine our values and priorities

By adopting this perspective, we can transform our relationship with money from one of struggle to one of ongoing learning and growth.

3. Balance and integrate opposing energies for greater fulfillment

We must learn to honor all the energies of life. We must understand that for every truth there is an equal and opposite truth.

Embracing duality. Life is full of polarities, and true prosperity comes from acknowledging and integrating these opposing energies within ourselves. Rather than choosing one side over the other, we need to find a balance that allows us to express the full range of our being.

Key polarities to balance:

  • Active and receptive
  • Giving and receiving
  • Doing and being
  • Structure and flow
  • Power and vulnerability

By developing both sides of these polarities, we become more versatile, adaptable, and capable of handling life's various challenges. This integration leads to greater wholeness, satisfaction, and an expanded experience of prosperity in all areas of our lives.

4. Discover and honor your true needs and desires

Our true desires come from our heart and soul, and we need to honor and trust them. Life guides us in the direction it wants us to go through our deep longings.

Self-awareness. To experience true prosperity, we must become clear about what we genuinely need and desire on all levels: spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical. This requires honest self-reflection and a willingness to look beyond surface-level wants to understand our deeper motivations and yearnings.

Distinguishing true desires:

  • True desires come from our heart and soul
  • They align with our values and life purpose
  • They bring a sense of fulfillment and joy when pursued
  • They often require personal growth and development

By honoring our authentic needs and desires, we align ourselves with our life's purpose and create a foundation for lasting prosperity and fulfillment.

5. Develop awareness of limiting beliefs and patterns

Once we begin to consciously recognize them, we are on the road to having a real choice about how we live.

Self-examination. Many of us have unconscious beliefs, attitudes, and emotional patterns that limit our experience of prosperity. These may include feelings of unworthiness, scarcity mindsets, or fear of success. By bringing these patterns into conscious awareness, we can begin to change them.

Steps to increase awareness:

  1. Pay attention to recurring thoughts and feelings about money and success
  2. Notice situations where you feel blocked or limited
  3. Explore the origins of your beliefs about prosperity
  4. Challenge negative self-talk and limiting assumptions
  5. Seek feedback from trusted friends or professionals

As we become more aware of our limiting patterns, we gain the power to choose new, more empowering beliefs and behaviors that support our prosperity.

6. Practice gratitude and appreciation for what you have

We need to literally "count our blessings," give thanks for them, allow ourselves to enjoy them, and relish the experience of prosperity we already have.

Cultivate appreciation. Gratitude is a powerful practice that can immediately shift our perspective and enhance our experience of prosperity. By focusing on what we already have and appreciate, we create a positive mindset that attracts more abundance into our lives.

Gratitude practices:

  • Keep a daily gratitude journal
  • Share your appreciation with others regularly
  • Take time to savor and enjoy simple pleasures
  • Reflect on your blessings before sleep or upon waking
  • Express thanks for challenges that have helped you grow

Consistently practicing gratitude helps us recognize the prosperity already present in our lives and opens us to receiving more.

7. Follow your intuition and take inspired action

Learning to graciously receive acknowledgment is one small way we can practice learning to receive.

Trust your inner guidance. Our intuition is a powerful tool for creating prosperity. By learning to listen to and trust our inner wisdom, we can make choices that align with our true desires and lead us toward greater fulfillment.

Developing intuition:

  • Practice regular meditation or quiet reflection
  • Pay attention to bodily sensations and "gut feelings"
  • Notice synchronicities and meaningful coincidences
  • Take small risks based on intuitive hunches
  • Reflect on the outcomes of following (or ignoring) your intuition

As we develop a stronger connection with our intuition, we become more adept at recognizing and acting on opportunities that support our prosperity.

8. Create a vision and set goals aligned with your values

Create a vision of prosperity for yourself and the world, in harmony with the earth.

Visioning process. Creating a clear vision of what true prosperity looks like for you is an essential step in manifesting it. This vision should encompass all areas of your life and align with your core values and desires.

Steps to create and pursue your vision:

  1. Imagine your ideal prosperous life in detail
  2. Write or create a visual representation of your vision
  3. Set specific, achievable goals that support your vision
  4. Break down goals into actionable steps
  5. Regularly review and adjust your goals as needed
  6. Celebrate progress and milestones along the way

By creating a compelling vision and setting aligned goals, you provide direction and focus for your efforts to create true prosperity.

9. Share your unique gifts and contribute to the world

The opportunity to share our gifts and thereby make a difference in the world is one of the most profoundly fulfilling experiences we can have in life, and an essential ingredient in creating true prosperity.

Express your purpose. True prosperity includes feeling that we are making a meaningful contribution to the world. By identifying and sharing our unique talents and gifts, we not only experience greater personal fulfillment but also create value for others.

Discovering and sharing your gifts:

  • Reflect on what comes naturally to you
  • Notice what activities bring you joy and energy
  • Ask trusted friends what they see as your strengths
  • Experiment with different ways of expressing your talents
  • Look for opportunities to use your gifts to help others
  • Be open to unexpected ways your skills might be valuable

As we align our work and contributions with our authentic gifts, we often find that prosperity naturally follows.

10. Embrace change and view challenges as opportunities for growth

Remember that our souls have a purpose in this life that we may not fully understand yet, and everything that happens to us is part of our soul's journey.

Growth mindset. Life is constantly changing, and true prosperity requires adaptability and a willingness to grow. By reframing challenges as opportunities for learning and development, we can maintain a sense of prosperity even in difficult times.

Embracing change:

  • Practice mindfulness to stay present during transitions
  • Cultivate resilience through self-care and supportive relationships
  • Look for the lessons and growth opportunities in setbacks
  • Be willing to let go of outdated beliefs or situations
  • Stay open to new possibilities and unexpected paths

By embracing change and viewing life as a journey of continuous growth, we can maintain a sense of prosperity through all of life's ups and downs.

Last updated:

Review Summary

3.96 out of 5
Average of 100+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

Creating True Prosperity receives mostly positive reviews, with readers appreciating its holistic approach to defining and achieving prosperity beyond material wealth. Many find the book insightful, highlighting concepts like balancing "doing" and "being," and addressing "disowned selves." Some readers consider it a must-read for personal growth, while others find it repetitive or shallow. The book's emphasis on self-reflection, gratitude, and environmental responsibility resonates with many. Overall, readers value its perspective on creating a fulfilling life, though some suggest it could be condensed.

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About the Author

Shakti Gawain is a prominent figure in the personal development field, known for her bestselling books on self-improvement and spiritual growth. Her most famous work, "Creative Visualization," has contributed to her impressive sales of over 10 million copies worldwide. Gawain's other notable titles include "Living in the Light," "Awakening," and "Developing Intuition." She has played a significant role in the publishing industry as co-founder of New World Library Publishing Company and founder of Nataraj Publishing. Gawain's work focuses on helping individuals achieve personal transformation, inner balance, and prosperity through various techniques and philosophies rooted in self-awareness and intuition.

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